
Showing posts from June, 2018

Hello World

Visual Studio Code Best IDE for Type Scripts. So First we start with Hello World Programm. 1. Download  Visual Studio Code from  here 2. Download Node Js from  here 3. npm install -g typescript After Install these Software 1. Open Visual Studio Code . Create a Workspace folder and open it. Typically the first step in any new TypeScript project is to add in a  tsconfig .json  file. This defines the TypeScript  project settings  such as the compiler options and the files that should be included Create a Hello World.ts file:- class HelloWorld { public static StartUp (): number { console . log ( "Hello World" ); return 0 ; } } HelloWorld . StartUp (); For Compile your HelloWorld.ts file Use tsc command D:\TypeScripts\1> tsc HelloWorld.ts  For Build Your HelloWorld.ts user npm command D:\TypeScripts\1>node HelloWorld.js Output:- Hello World You Get your Output.